
Types of Military Wives That I Have Come Across

The military wives I know


Hey Guys,

I have a lot of things to say about the ladies in the military community but today, I want to write about the different types of military wives you’ll find in the military.

Based on personal experiences, I have come up with a list of different types of military wives that I’ve seen throughout my travels as an army wife. Though I haven’t been everywhere, but believe me, going everywhere is on my list because I love adventure…LOL

Now, let’s get back to the topic…

I’m not trying to be judgmental here because I have realized that most military wives constantly shift their mindsets depending on the given situation.

However, here’s a list of different types of military wives that I’ve come across:


The “CCTV wife” is a nightmare to have as a friend or neighbor. She usually peeks out from her window whenever she hears a sound. This type of wife knows what is happening or has happened in the barracks. It’s as if she has CCTV’s mounted everywhere in the barracks. She is usually a housewife who usually sits outside at various times throughout the day and acts like her eyes are binoculars. She’s got eyes everywhere!

This type of wife likes to hang out with the housewives club. The “CCTV wife” is usually too nosy and always has interesting stories to tell. She’s very gossipy and will tell you gossip in an innocent way. This wife believes she knows everything about everybody and when she doesn’t, she tries to make up stories to tell. The “CCTV” type of wife almost put me in trouble when I was a new army wife. I almost became her friend you know after all, who doesn’t want to know what’s up?

But, luckily for me, I realized that she knows too much and her stories are full of drama. Avoid telling this wife anything going on in your life, it can make you cry!


They say love doesn’t cost a thing but this wife will prove this so wrong man. She will make you spend your entire paycheck before you ever get to see it.

The “EXTRAVAGANT WIFE” is a bit competitive and doesn’t mind being indebted in order to acquire that item she wants to use to show off even when she doesn’t need it. She wants to compete with everyone as she wants to own everything she sees or hears a fellow military wife has. This type of wife always has the erroneous belief that she must have it all to be seen as relevant among other military wives.


This wife usually goes to her husband’s command to report him when they have issues. She is usually too loud, careless about her looks, complains about everything, and sees nothing good in the military because she wakes up every day feeling her husband is being cheated by the military in relation to all the efforts he puts into the job. She’s never grateful for anything and believes the military makes her life hell!

Her husband is often too glad to go for field exercises that would last for some time just to stay away from her because she’s always in a bad mood. She reminds her husband over and over again that “She didn’t sign up for this”.

She’s probably someone that must have given up a bright career at one point for the military lifestyle. When you come in contact with her, she will have no qualms listing reasons why she hates the military. She always blurts out her choice words,” I hate Army!”(or her hubby’s branch). Oftentimes, she adds a few words like “This army is useless!”.

Whenever she received news that a soldier just bought something good like a car or house, she will ask her husband if it’s not the same job he’s doing with the person. This wife is basically the reason why her husband keeps showing up to work all pissed off!


This wife has no other life other than her spouse’s and is so obsessed with her husband’s rank and yours too.

She will always introduce herself as “Rank (so and so’s) wife. C’mon girl, that’s not your name. When you meet this wife, she usually asks your spouse’s rank before your name because she thinks she actually has a rank!…. She’s that crazy guys!

She always loses her cool when people that are her husband’s junior don’t pander to her or treat her like royalty and is always having running battles with soldiers or fellow wives.

At a meeting as a new army wife, I couldn’t help but laugh when one of such wives introduced herself in that manner. Well, she hated me because of that but I really don’t care. The rank-wearing wife won’t be friends with you unless your husband is her husband’s rank or above.

You can easily run into her at checkpoints, medical centers, salons, and other public places trying to lord herself over whoever’s there. When she’s coming at you, you better be ready because her husband can go to the extent of harassing your husband….the soldier. They always go like this, “Hey!, don’t you know she’s my wife?

I have seen soldiers being detained because they stopped this kind of wife at the checkpoint (For Christ’s sake, they were doing their job).

I keep wondering how these kinds of people will adjust someday when military life ends.


The “RECLUSE WIFE” lives a solitary kind of lifestyle in her house and rarely keeps friends. She’s is the wife you know exists but you rarely see her. She can be your neighbor but rarely leaves the house except when she’s going to work or elsewhere. You’re always not sure if she hates military life or you.

This type of wife rarely attends military functions or honors your invitations but even when she does, she likely doesn’t seem excited and her phone will keep her entertained instead. She will exchange pleasantries with you but rarely socializes. Her life and world usually revolve around her husband, kids, phone, and PC ONLY.

She seems like someone you can get on board with because you secretly admire and respect her.


The “HONEST WIFE” is the most honest and trusted friend you can ever have. She’s that blunt and pours it all out. High-ranking officers’ wives despise her because she calls a “Spade a Spade”. 

She’s ever ready to ditch out her opinion without giving a damn about what you think or what happens to her husband at work afterward.

This wife is usually very helpful. She will always be there and always willing to lend a hand.


The “POSH WIFE” may be new to military life and is usually very rich, pretty, and sometimes educated.

She loves to wear expensive things and will probably have a classy ride. This type of wife either works or has her own business. She’s usually a cool babe but can’t be friends with you because she feels she’s too “POSH” for you…LOL


The “SEASONED WIFE” often plays a mother figure role as she’s usually a genuinely kind soul who graciously shares the lessons she has learned as a military wife. She can be friends with anyone and sees the younger wives as her beloved daughters. She gives the best advice you can ever get anywhere because she has seen it all.

She is a veteran of sort as she is mature and experienced in all things military based on her years of experience of being married to a soldier. Life is always what it is to her. She’s usually a true treasure to everyone around her and is that wife that can always make “Lemonade out of Lemons”.

This type of wife loves to settle disagreements among other wives and keeps them together. She doesn’t spend her time on gossip and frivolities. The seasoned wife looks forward to her husband’s retirement and settling down in one place.

She’s that kind of wife you’ll SECRETLY wish to be like.


This is the wife that sleeps around when her husband isn’t home. This is not every wife but to say it doesn’t exist is just not true…SERIOUSLY… IT DOES!

To all military wives out there, you all are truly amazing people. As you keep being you, act accordingly and DO WHAT’S RIGHT.

Let’s all be good spouses to our husbands because I think that’s what really matters.

See also.

Written by Treasure

Serial Entrepreneur, Sustainability Advocate, and Passionate Storyteller.


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