
The Imaginary Ranks of Some Military Spouses

Spouses do not have ranks!

Treasure James

Spouses do not have ranks

A soldier’s spouse is a soldier’s spouse, irrespective of whether the soldier is commissioned or non-commissioned. Of course, we all know a soldier’s spouse can be either a wife or a husband, but the wives usually bring all the drama.

Now, I’ll clarify to my fellow military spouses,” We’re all married to soldiers”!…Unquestionably believe that which I stated. Whoever tells herself that the commissioned officers are “Officers” and non-commissioned officers are “Soldiers” should return to her grammar lessons.

Seriously, some officers’ wives need to get down from their high horses and realize that when the bullets start flying out in the field, it does not distinguish between commissioned and non-commissioned officers.

By default, NCOs’ wives respect commissioned officers’ wives….the military society has made it so. But, the wives should never turn it into superiority. Though respect should be given to whom it’s due, it should also be reciprocated.

We’re all women….bloody civilians. We are not military!

But, unfortunately, most wives believe they are.

My husband is a commissioned officer in the army. As a wife to a service member, I live my life as I choose, and I don’t have time for immature behavior.

Why do I say this, you may ask?

I have worn almost every hat that has to be worn as it concerns the military spouse lifestyle. So therefore, over time, I’ve realized that there’s a separation between the commissioned officers’ wives and non-commissioned officers’ wives. Though the fences and bars are not there physically, there’s a vast separation, and it’s just plain wrong. So we’ve got to end that…we’ve just got to stop!

I have come in contact with many commissioned officers’ wives who often raise an eyebrow or ask why I show concern and relate with some non – commissioned officers’ wives. One woman told me to stop being friendly with soldiers’ wives under my husband’s command because they may think I’m one of them.

Who the heck am I???


Anyway, such wives feel that they can’t stoop that low as they see themselves consciously or unconsciously as demigods over the non – commissioned officers’ families. But I’ve got great news for you chickies; some are my friends…Beautiful women with beautiful souls, and most of them are happier than you.

Well…you wouldn’t know because you only associate with spouses whose husbands are on your spouse’s rank and above. But the truth is, most of the NCOs’ wives already have so much to deal with, and the least of their problems is trying to drag who’s boss or superior with you. Please, we should always realize this: “Regardless of degrees and salaries (even though some non – commissioned officers are graduates too), we all just want to survive this military life.”

Therefore, don’t minimize someone else’s struggle in any way. We pray to the same God, and there’s no God meant for only commissioned officers. So, a little sense of humility wouldn’t be terrible.

I can vividly remember an incident that I witnessed at a military hospital that made me realize that we’re still in a remote location, and this is a reality. Non – commissioned officers’ wives and kids were asked to wait for the commissioned officers’ wives and kids to see the doctor first, even though the latter got there quite late.

One of the women who came with a very sick child was bold enough to question the nurse. Still, she was shouted at and reminded that “Those women were Officers’ Wives,” as it’s popularly called here.

Can we stop pretending some military spouses are superior to others?

Even the general’s wife puts her jeans on one leg at a time. She feels the same labor pains and is nothing more than the woman she is. And, for God’s sake, it’s still the same pain that those left behind feel.

The only thing that can make anyone different is the positive ideas and changes she brings to the table!

So, again I say this, “Spouses do not have ranks” (It’s just so insane that some do have imaginary ranks).

Can we all work together and support each other to improve our lives?

But, if you feel you’re a “higher being,” PLEASE, make a positive change that can trickle down and be touched by your so-called “lesser beings” in your community. Several alarming issues affect military wives and families. 

Why don’t you use your associations to liaise with governmental and non – governmental agencies to better the lives of people in your community instead of turning them into gossip channels and event planning committees?

For God’s sake, what have you done about the high-rising cases of poverty and unemployment? 

What tangible thing have you done for the wives of fallen heroes?

We're all women and wives; therefore, let's change our mentality and begin the support now! Click To Tweet

Written by Treasure

Serial Entrepreneur, Sustainability Advocate, and Passionate Storyteller.


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  1. Comment*God bless you real good ma. I’m an officer’s wife. you ve just hit d nail on d head. I believe that officer’s wives should focus more on their professions instead of carrying their husbands rank on their head.

    • You’re so right! Thanks for visiting this tiny space of the web.
      Please, let’s connect on my Facebook page “The Soldier’s Wife” so we can get to know each other.
      God bless you too dear and oh! thank your husband on my behalf for his service!!!.

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